Dating After 60 Is Hard

You’re kicking yourself wishing you’d done something different, but if this happens, don’t be so hard on yourself. Even if you mess up and say the wrong thing, or their child seems uninterested in you, give it time. The first meeting is important, but it’s not everything. Ultimately, it’s the mother/father’s choice as to when you’re introduced. In some cases, you could end up waiting anywhere from 6 months to a year, although some parents will be quicker than others. Either way, they’re in the picture whether you like it or not, so you’ve got to find out the low down on how they co-parent or split the responsibilities.

The kids could be processing feelings about their parents not getting back together or projecting emotional pain or grief on to you. It won’t be easy, but please don’t take it personally. Sometimes it just takes a while before you click with their children. I talked to people who are in relationships with substantial age gaps about what it’s like to date someone substantially older or younger.

Waterhouse and Cooper tell us nothing about how age gaps play out in real life. When we use celebrity relationships as a lens through which to view our own, things will never look quite right. Maybe you’re dating after a divorce, and you’re a single mom who needs to carve out the time for a love life. A man who’s already been married and raised kids has no carpool schedules to contend with, which can mean he’s got more time to plan amazing dates.

And that means he might be a little out of the romance game. Dating a man with kids requires patience and a TON of it. You’ll have to work around his and the kids’ schedules.

Tips for Talking to Your Kids About the Fact That You’re Dating

I bring this up because a couple of weeks ago, I was working with a client. Jessica reached out to me because she was struggling with finding a place in her boyfriend’s busy life. He had two children with his ex wife, and Jessica felt that all the free time he had went to spending time with the kids. I have worked with clients who have experienced feelings of jealousy because their significant other spends more time with their children, or taking care of things for their children, than they do with them.


This could come from the child, the ex-partner or even your man himself. Ultimately, the bottom line is that, because you are not the biological mother, your feelings and opinions do not hold as much value. This is a tiring and frustrating thing to cope with in a relationship. This is one of the major cons of dating a man with kids. You want to celebrate an anniversary with a romantic dinner? Sorry, but he needs to make sure his child gets a bedtime story.

In interviews, she mentioned looking back on a relationship and realizing it was unhealthy and even toxic, but she never explicitly talked about Cooper. Ultimately, he has little to do with this narrative at all. I don’t know what he’s like, and I have no interest in taking it upon myself to defend him.

I don’t believe in beating on kids (fear isn’t respect). Mom was a social worker and a lecture from her lasted longer than the pain from a spanking. I’m no longer single, but I’ll answer for myself when I was dating between the ages of 32 and 35. If you haven’t heard of Relationship Hero before, it’s a site where highly trained relationship coaches help people through complicated and difficult love situations. But if you feel you’re ready to share your love with someone who has a kid, then don’t be afraid to make this decision and go for it.

Be at your best behavior around them no matter what age. You cannot bad mouth your partner’s ex in front of them. They will only resent you and never accept you in their life. “I counseled a young lady who is very close to both her parents’ spouses and pampers her younger step-brother. She mentioned both her moms were her biggest support system. Now, in traditional terms, one would say she came from a ‘broken’ family but after meeting this young lady, as a counselor, I would say this was the strongest family unit ever seen,” Gopa says.

To some, the idea of dating an awesome, outgoing mom or a caring, loving single father is very appealing – they know how to love fiercely and it’s a joy to be around children. Since 1957, GQ has inspired men to look sharper and live smarter with its unparalleled coverage of style, culture, and beyond. From award-winning writing and photography to binge-ready videos to electric live events, GQ meets millions of modern men where they live, creating the moments that create conversations. While parents may have had plenty of time to process the end of the marriage, this might be new information for a child. As part of your custody agreement, settle with your soon to be ex-spouse on a waiting period before introducing a significant other into the children’s lives. This can be a negotiated provision in your custody agreement so that you and your ex-spouse are on the same page.

Exercise caution around kids#

Calls or texts at awkward times from your partner’s ex, which are hopefully only kid-related but maybe sometimes they aren’t and you don’t always know which and you feel weird asking. There is not anything you’re doing wrong or could be doing differently to win the kids over when dating their parent; them warming up to you is just a process that takes time. There are no shortcuts that will force the kids to like you. The challenges you’ll face when dating someone with kids do not boil down to kid-person/non-kid-person problems. If you like kids, then yes, you have one less hurdle to overcome. But one less hurdle out of a bajillion or so ain’t much of a head start.

It can be quite a delicate subject as you may have different views on how to bring up the kids, but you must remember they are not yours, no matter how bratty they can be. You don’t want to go scolding the kids until you have discussed what you can and can’t say to them with your partner. Once you are both on the same page then you can confidently discipline them knowing your partner is fine with the way you go about it. Following on from setting general boundaries, you also have to discuss what involvement you will have in parenting the kids. This is something you have to discuss with your partner. Let your partner know you appreciate the sacrifices they are making in their life to be with you.

Not all online daters are looking for love, but those who end up finding it share certain things in common. This issue of dating frequently comes up in my practice as a family law and matrimonial attorney, particularly as it relates to custody issues and custodial agreements. I have also encountered this issue in my role as an Attorney for Children when speaking to clients who are minors.

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