My Ex Is Hot And Cold With Me And I Dont Know What To Do!

Well, as this guy’s Reddit post tells us, some guys wonder if we’re too busy or have too much going on to be able to really date them. The thing is that might be true for some women who don’t even want a boyfriend, but others want to find love and would absolutely change up their schedules for the right guy. This may not one of the most obvious signs he’s losing interest, but it’s still a good indicator if you can spot it. When a man becomes vague about what his plans are, what he wants to do, or if he wants to go out or not, it’s often a sign that he’s not looking forward to seeing you and is even avoiding it. If he stops sharing his plans with you and then you find out he’s been going out with his friends or family, these are big signs he’s losing interest. He clearly isn’t making time for you when he has plenty of it.

How To Tell If Your Partner Is Emotionally Immature

It sucks to hear this because we don’t want to feel like we have to dumb ourselves down or stop being accomplished in order to be attractive to guys, and we have a certain pride about how we look. It doesn’t seem super fair to hear that this can be intimidating, but maybe we have come across this before with guys and so it makes total sense to us. We know that everyone gets insecure sometimes, particularly when they are interested in dating someone, and we might wonder if guys get insecure about dating a girl who seems “better” than them. No one wants to enter a relationship assuming that it’ll fail and we’ll be single once again, and it’s always worth being with someone and taking the risk. But it makes sense that some guys worry about opening up their hearts and having them broken and they might not even want to begin a relationship with someone because of that.

Why Men Run Hot And Cold — And What To Do About It

While some of these assumptions could be true, bottom line – you don’t know what’s really going on with him unless you observe, ask or get to know him better. He will do what needs to be done to form a relationship with you; browse and honestly if he’s that confused do you want a relationship with him anyway? Letting go of a confused man within the first few months of dating is much easier than being left by a confused man after a few years of dating.

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Confidential and secure, real psychics, accurate predictions, 100% guaranteed. If your parents made most of your decisions for you, you may have not had much practice making decisions, marriage and family therapist Melody Li tells Bustle. You also might be letting other people make choices for you out of habit. Again, try asking yourself what you would do if nobody else were a factor to get in touch with what you want.

Sometimes, what your guy really needs is a little nudge in the right direction. That doesn’t necessarily mean making choices for him, it just means trying to be supportive, regardless of his decision. It may not seem meaningful to you, but what’s important is that you encourage him to make a decision and stick to it. The next time he is unsure about the right choice to make, suggest a trivial solution like tossing a coin. It doesn’t matter if he’s trying to choose between traveling to see his family in the summer or sending them gifts, or figuring out what to eat for lunch, suggest a die toss. Tell him to choose heads or tails, then flip the coin.

Most people call you crazy or irrational, but that’s because they’re too scared to do what you do. The silver lining in this situation is that if your ex is hot and cold, then you are experiencing some warmth – even though it’s not all the time. If your ex reaches out and pulls away, it means that a part of them still wants to be with you but they’re scared.

But, as Bethencourt learned from experience, pressuring your boyfriend with heavy hints and guilt can create bad blood in the relationship. You could date for five years and even live with a person and not really know if they’re right for you if you don’t date with intention. How long you have spent dating should be considered when deciding whether you are ready for marriage. The truth is, there are some things that only time spent together can reveal—such as behavior patterns, for example.

You don’t want to come across as a girl who only cares about her man in life and nothing else. Well, show him that won’t happen when he’s dating you. If you’ve only been seeing him for a short amount of time, then don’t put even more pressure on him by introducing him to your family. He’s most likely confused by his feelings, or is fearful of rejection, or is finding it difficult to transition from one lifestyle to another, so try to act positive with him.

With a healthy relationship, it will be 50% of exerted energy from each person. ” what I can tell you is it’s the other person who is unsure. While there are many possible reasons for his hesitation, I believe that most indecisive guys fall into one of two categories.

Even if your partner is indecisive about moving the relationship forward, find comfort that you know exactly where you stand. When we trust our instincts, it makes it easier for us to make decisions, no matter how another responds. Some people procrastinate or avoid decisions because they don’t want to be held responsible if things go wrong, says Backe. They let other people or circumstances out of their control make the decision for them. This may prevent you from messing up, but it’ll also prevent you from controlling your own life.

Check out my latest book on the Hidden Secrets of Buddhism and How it Saved My Life. If you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Facebook or Twitter. Once he feels like he’s earned your respect, he will know exactly what he wants…you.

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